Chapter 10 - The Weight of Twisted Affection

Under the sun floating in the mid-sky.

The princess of the empire, wearing a dress as white as snow, was facing directly the commander of the black lions, who wore jet-black armor all over his body.

The appearance of Wolfgang, who looked rougher and stronger than any man, and the appearance of Alicia, who looked more lithe and elegant than any woman.

The appearances of the man and the woman standing facing each other created a clear contrast, like a scene from a picture book.

From a distance, the scene certainly would look quite romantic.

But if someone were to look at the same scene up close, they would probably have a slightly different sentiment than that of romance.

“Ha, ha... d-don’t look away.”

The man's expressionless face, full of her scars, gradually became tinged with astonishment.

At that, Alicia felt a sense of anticipation as if she were facing a new world, and at the same time a sense of exhilarating pleasure that she was experiencing for the first time in her life.

She was revealing to the fullest extent the secret part that as a woman should never be revealed in front of a man who had been dyeing her mind with endless anguish for over a week now.

It was such an overwhelming pleasure that it couldn't even be compared to walking around naked in a place where no one was around.

Now her lower abdomen went beyond churning and was tingling.

— Drip…

The honey-like liquid that had begun to burst out uncontrollably from Alicia's private valley was now dripping down her white thighs.

“…As expected, it was a good idea not to wear it in the first place.”

If she had come wearing underwear, it would probably have been so soaked that she could never wear it again.

It was truly fortunate that she didn't have to throw it away because it was a cherished underwear made by the best craftsmen in the empire.

Clothing that easily gets dirty like underwear and stockings is merely disposable to the princess of the empire, but occasionally, the types she particularly likes are magically cleaned and stored separately.

This morning. The white underwear she had left under the full-length mirror was just like that.

‘Hmm… That's right. Wolfgang will probably like it if I give it to him as a gift later.'

According to the valuable knowledge gained from the 'books' she read countless times, men go crazy over women's worn underwear.

Of course, it was doubtful whether it would work on such a steel-like man, but seeing that he couldn't take his eyes off Alicia's lower body, perhaps it would work.

'If I send him my underwear as a gift, will it make his hideous lower body stand up straight like that night? Or will it make him contort his face with disgust or disdain?'

The pleasure coursing through Alicia's spine became even more intense at the imagination, which was still too insidious and insolent to be uttered openly.

So much so that she involuntarily let out a moan of pleasure.

“Ahh… Haaan ♡”

In fact, whether it was the former or the latter, they were all too exciting for Alicia. It could truly be said to be an easy choice of pleasure.

With an expression full of desire, Alicia gazed intently into Wolfgang's bright red eyes. His gaze was wavering.

It was unacceptable.

The man who kept confusing Alicia's mind had to look straight at her.

He was the one who had to take responsibility for Alicia's mind, which was constantly leaning toward him, and perhaps had already leaned irreversibly. 


“I told you not to look away! You are my only audience, but are you going to ruin the performance like this? Stick to your given role. Wolfgang von Schwarz!”

If it were the usual Alicia, it was a bold statement that she would have just said inwardly, but perhaps the excessive pleasure made her let go of something.

As Alicia uttered her thoughts out of her mouth, the man's expression distorted terrifyingly for a moment.

'Ahh, yes! That's it!'

It was undoubtedly for a very brief moment, and her man's face quickly returned to expressionless.

But Alicia could feel an uncontrollable sense of excitement rising within her with just that.

Moreover, due to the excessive sense of excitement, her face was becoming more and more red.

The waves of pleasure coursing through her spine also became more and more intense.

An intense pleasure that could only be achieved by caressing oneself for a long time.

As it continued without stopping, Alicia felt as if something had taken over her.

It felt as if she had become someone else, not Alicia.

'I-I wasn't planning on going this far today. But… '

The plan she made before coming here was originally very cute.

It was a shy plan to somehow brush her fingers past Wolfgang and deliberately fall over to briefly reveal her bare lower body.

The minor satisfaction she would get from that and the moderate amount of pleasure to relieve the stress that had been building up. Surely that would have been enough.

But thinking about it carefully, the plan she had made before coming here had already gone awry because of that female cat.

However, Alicia had already enjoyed the precious experience of freely fondling Wolfgang's large and sturdy hands and his large hands enveloping her small hands.

And now. She was enjoying the ultimate pleasure, exposing her bare lower body to Wolfgang and looking at his fierce face.

Although the plan had gone awry, the distorted plan had rather brought her great benefits.

'T-then... wouldn't it be okay to twist it one more time?'

There was no logic at all. It was a truly irrational judgment for someone like the princess of an empire to make.

But now Alicia was the sole director, actor, and heroine of this strange role play consisting of only one spectator and an actor.

It infused Alicia with such unfounded confidence that before she knew it, she was simply acting as her stream of consciousness led her.

“Come closer.”

"… Yes."

“A little closer. Like that night, so that when you reach out your hand, you can touch it directly."

— Step, step

At Alicia's command, Wolfgang did not react in any way and moved right in front of her with mechanical movements.

His broad shoulders, large stature, and manly face that stimulated her womanly instincts remained the same.

But his empty expression showed none of the hot vitality she had felt that night.

'… This isn't what I want.'

Alicia was very dissatisfied with that.

She didn't want a subordinate who could only follow her orders without being able to say anything because of their weaknesses was caught.

What Alicia wanted from Wolfgang was in the realm beyond that.

It was something that even she herself could not yet say with certainty what it was.

That was why Alicia wanted to hear Wolfgang's response.

So that she could give a definitive answer to the strange feelings she had for him after that night.

But with no solution in sight, she stared blankly at Wolfgang's scar-covered, manly face for a while, only moistening her lower body.

'Yes! That's it!'

Finally, a good idea came to Alicia's mind.

For now, she was just 'role playing'.

For a moment, just for a moment, she felt like it would be okay to be the bad princess who threatened the loyal knight commander.

Alicia finally lowered the hem of her dress, which she had been holding up for some time, and spoke in a pretentious haughty manner.

“Sir Wolfgang? Let’s give you a second role.” 

“Second role… you mean?”

“Yes, your first role was as a spectator,  but that's not enough. Now, you're going to step onto the stage."

At Alicia's command, Wolfgang nodded silently.

But why?

'Uhh, I don't like it.'

Alicia felt a faint discomfort at Wolfgang's compliance with her orders.

A subtle feeling that she could not clearly express, but something that was not this.

However, that too would soon come to a conclusion one way or another if her feelings for Wolfgang were decided.

“Now, we are going to perform a very short play. I am a very bad villainess young lady who threatens you, and you are a poor knight who has no choice but to be threatened. Do you understand?"

For a moment, an obvious doubt flashed across Wolfgang's expressionless face, but it soon disappeared.

“Yes, I understand.”

Alicia proposed a bold deal to make the next role play more realistic.

“Immerse yourself in the role as deeply as possible. If I like your performance, we'll call it a day. I'll even forgive you for everything that happened that night."

At that, Wolfgang's shoulders shook slightly and he looked clearly agitated.

'This worked.'

Alicia, who was quick to catch on to things, was able to notice it without difficulty. She knew that Wolfgang would immerse himself wholeheartedly into the role he was given from now on.

“Now, here's the script. The bad villainess young lady takes advantage of the poor knight’s weakness and makes ridiculous demands. But then she ends up crossing the line.”

“What do you mean by crossing the line?” 

“Touching their family, or their precious subordinate or squire? Something like that.”

When Wolfgang's eyes changed subtly at the word 'precious subordinate', Alicia could easily get a sense of what kind of acting she should use.

"I understand." 

“So, the enraged knight can't hold back any longer and truly vents his anger towards the villainess young lady. Since I said it's a short play, it ends there.” 

“I understand. Let's start quickly."  

"Okay. We'll start on the count of three. One, two, three!"

— Thump, thump…

Alicia took a deep breath. Her heart was pounding violently.

As expected, adopting the 'role-playing' method was a wise judgment. Wasn't the same vitality as that night sprouting in Wolfgang's eyes again?

“Why are you refusing me? If you just do as I say, it'll be good for both of us, won't it? Since you’re a man too, don’t you feel interested in my body?”

“Regardless of my interest, it is something that I should never do as a knight. The Young Lady is clearly making unreasonable demands right now. If I comply with the Young Lady’s demands, we will both be ruined.”

For some reason, even though it was just a role play, they started to feel a sense of sincerity from each other, but for Alicia, it was even better.

“Th-this…! Then it can't be helped! That precious subordinate of yours! Is it okay if that blue-haired female knight gets hurt? If you don't comply with my demands, that bitch will…” 

“… What did you just say? You bitch."

For a moment, the atmosphere completely changed.


Alicia couldn't come to her senses at the energy radiating from the huge man in front of her. 

A terrifying expression, as if facing the enemy of a lifetime. The sense of pressure was openly felt.

— Thud

Alicia had no choice but to kneel down towards the man in front of her.

It felt like her surroundings were spinning.

For some reason, the thick moisture and stickiness she felt from her lower body, which had become even more wet, gave her a strange feeling, as if she had urinated.

'Bitch'. When in the world has she, the princess of the empire, ever been called by such a vulgar expression?

She should undoubtedly have felt a sense of displeasure, but for some reason, that vulgar title continued to linger in Alicia's head and infuse her with a strange psychological pleasure.

“… ncess, Princess?” 


Even though the man continued to ask about her well-being, his expression a mixture of half-shock and half-concern, as he looked at the princess of the empire kneeling before him.

Alicia remained kneeling there blankly for a moment, showing no reaction.

'Bitch… yes. I am not the princess of the empire, but just a bitch... Then, is Sir Wolfgang?'

As she kept repeating the word 'bitch' in her mind, her thought finally reached that point.


Muttering a meaningful word, Alicia lost consciousness and collapsed into Wolfgang's arms as if embracing him.

* * *

After the shocking schedule of the princess's visit to the unit somehow came to an end.

After dismissing all of my subordinates, including the deputy commander, early, I sat alone in my office until sunset.

'What the hell was that?'

When the princess collapsed before my eyes. At that time, it was really dark before my eyes.

As I hurriedly grabbed the wrist of the Princess who had fainted in my arms and half forcibly infused her with energy, she quickly came to her senses.

'I'm glad you woke up, Princess. Were you satisfied with your acting?' 

‘I-I don’t know… '

But when I asked her how she felt about my clumsy acting, she hurriedly adjusted her disheveled clothes with a red face and did not even make eye contact with me until she left.

“Ha, fuck…”

Was it too much after all?


No matter how I was half of my mind at the time, how on earth could I dare utter such an imprudent word to the princess of the empire?

Since I had the private meeting with the princess, every single one of her actions caused me serious trouble, and for some reason, she even suddenly suggested a suspicious role-play, so I just tried to accommodate her appropriately.

But it seemed that I also became overly immersed in that ridiculous role play.

Thinking about it later now, I think it was because the script the princess proposed was strangely in line with the situation at the time, but...


Anyway. what's done is done. What on earth can I do to fix this?

At least the fortunate thing was that, after slowly reflecting on what happened today and the princess's actions one by one.

Unbelievably, I came to the conclusion that the princess might be harboring something close to some kind of twisted romantic feelings for me.

Then I wouldn't have to worry about her putting me at a disadvantage.

I pressed my eyebrows together and fell into worry again.

“Why me?”

No matter how little proper romantic experience I had, women don't hold the hand of a man they dislike and feel happy about it.

I don't think they would suddenly expose even their most precious parts. 

Even though the way she expressed it was extremely perverted and strange, wouldn't she have done something like that because she had a crush on me?

Putting aside the question of what part of me she could have possibly had a crush on.

Well, then I'm probably...

It seemed that I had become the ridiculous first love of a princess who, despite her high status, had no fiancé even after turning twenty.

But unlike that night, this was not something that could be passed off as a one-night accident.

Either I convince her to stop her crazy behavior and have a normal relationship with me, or I make her completely infatuated with me and bend her to my will.

Somehow, I need to do something before others find out about our relationship.

Otherwise, my life will be over.

If you find something really out place, let me know in the comments. 


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